Dame Moura Lympany on Desert Island Discs

This was Dame Moura's second appearance on Desert Island Discs. Asked by Roy Plomley how she had made her choice, she explained that her initial selection had been practically identical to the one she'd made in 1955 – which didn't include any of her own recordings. "And I thought, this is really going too far, to have practically the same records again. And then I thought, well since I'd be be on an island, presumably on my own, I would be looking back on my life, I would reminisce on the fifty years of concert giving that I had, and I thought wouldn't it be nice to reminisce with my own records instead?"

Her second choice was the first record she ever made: the Rachmaninoff preludes, which had never been recorded before.

Twenty–one years earlier, the German soprano Elisabeth Schwarzkopf had chosen seven of her own recordings.

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